
Why onion sets shoot and what to do. Why can a bow go into arrows, what to do and is it possible to break them? Reasons for the formation of arrows on a bow

The arrow is a thickened peduncle that appears for the purpose of plant propagation. A seed box immediately forms at the top of the stem. Later it will ripen, crack, and produce new planting material - small seeds.

Why is it not welcome and how to use it

Since most people grow onions not for seed production, but for consumption and storage, they try to avoid the appearance of arrows. After all, the bulb that has thrown out the peduncle will no longer be large.

It will not be stored for a long time, because the thickened neck of the stem will not dry out to the required extent, and infection can penetrate through it. Needless to say, the onion often grows one-sided and deformed.

Advice! If you see arrows on an onion bed, immediately pick (cut) at the root. They can be eaten if they have not yet outgrown and become tough. Small onions are also eaten first or pickled for the winter - these are the most common uses.

Reasons for the formation of arrows on a bow

There are several conditions under which the arrow appears. Among them, the first place is the issue of proper storage of onions in winter. The second is the size of the seed material, and the third is humidity and low temperatures (or changes therein) after planting.

How to store onions intended for planting

Much, if not everything, depends on this point. Onion sets or family onions require special storage conditions. The onion is stored at a temperature of 17-22 degrees in an apartment, as well as in the basement of a house or cellar, where the readings are no more than 8 degrees.

A very important condition is compliance with the humidity regime; it should not be high, the optimal is 65-75%. High humidity during storage is the main precursor to the appearance of arrows on the bow.

Small sets can dry out at high temperatures, so they choose to store them in a cool, dry cellar, placing them in cardboard boxes or boxes with ventilation holes. Wooden or plastic trays work well.

Advice! The layer of onion should not be thick; ventilation and free circulation of air are necessary so that the onion does not “shut up” and become moldy.

Heirloom varieties of onions have larger heads; it is convenient to store them in pigtails or special nylon nets. Some specimens can either dry out or rot in winter, so we inspect and remove damaged bulbs several times.

Do the same with onions that are in boxes with holes. Going through and getting rid of bad bulbs is the main task of the housewife, otherwise the entire harvest will rot.

Size of bulbs, which ones are best to plant

The best planting material is specimens of sets up to 1 centimeter in diameter, and family onions up to 3 centimeters in diameter.

Larger heads are suitable for producing greenery for cutting; when preparing for planting, they dry out less well, they are preparing to produce seeds, so they can send out a flower arrow. Small onions are much less susceptible to bolting.

Landing dates

Onions are a cold-resistant crop; they are planted both before winter and early in spring. However, there is no need to rush too much either. Early plantings are good when you want to get onion feathers for food earlier.

When growing onions for storage for subsequent planting next year, you should not rush. Planting in cold soil can cause shoots to appear, although not necessarily. It is much worse when the weather is constantly humid in the spring and there is a danger of recurrent frosts (bad if they last for a long time).

How to properly prepare onions for planting

Certain rules have been developed, following which, you can minimize the likelihood of peduncle germination. Experienced gardeners approach their work with all responsibility, because the growing season in the middle zone is very short, and you don’t want your work to be in vain.

Therefore, in addition to special storage, maintaining the size of the bulbs and the timing of spring work, it is important to prepare well for the planting process in order to prevent the appearance of shoots. If you stored the onions yourself, observing all the conditions, there is nothing special to worry about, what to do if the seed material was purchased in a store.

Rules for preparing seedlings for planting:

  • When choosing a bow from a seller, inspect it, put your hand in it and rustle it. A good set should be dry, the scales should not fall off completely. Discard sprouted specimens as well.
  • Any onion should be warmed up before planting. To do this, you can put a board on the central heating radiator and scatter onions on it in one layer. Or hang a canvas bag next to the same battery. If the house has a stove, lay it out on it and dry it thoroughly for 15-20 days.
  • For planting, we take seeds with a coverage of up to 1 cm, and those that are larger, plant them in a separate bed more densely - you can get a green feather for use as food.
  • We plant in heated soil when it is already crumbly (not earlier than the end of April).
  • Heavy clay soil should be made lighter, for example, by adding sawdust, pre-treated with nitrogen and dried. You can improve the soil in other ways, achieving fertility and looseness.

Onions are the most commonly used ingredient in a wide range of culinary preparations. This vegetable crop has a large number of fans. Owners of summer cottages try to grow as many onions as possible, for making pickled, frozen or dried onions for the winter, as well as for consumption freshly picked. However, sometimes when growing, onions begin to shoot. To solve this problem and save the harvest, you need to know why onions go into arrows, and take a number of measures, which will be discussed in this material, on how to grow onions without arrows.

Agricultural technology for growing onions

Growing onion plants at home requires compliance with certain agricultural techniques, which include a number of care measures.

Planting soil

For normal development of onion planting, the level of soil oxidation must be neutral, the average pH is 6.5. Excessive acidification of the soil can occur if the bed receives a large amount of mineral fertilizers for a long time. In this case, before planting onion sets, work is carried out 3 years in advance to deoxidize the soil material by adding one of the components:

  • slaked lime;
  • dolomite flour in the amount of 200 grams per m² .

Why does the bow go into the arrow?

It is not recommended to lime the soil immediately before starting sowing. However, it is permissible to use 400 grams of wood ash per 1 m2.

Fresh organic matter is not suitable as fertilizer for onions. However, if the land in which onions will be grown has a depleted composition, then in the spring season 2 kilograms of mature humus are added per 1 m2 of planting area. In the fall, during digging, a certain amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied.

Another part of the fertilizer, to which part of the nitrogen is added, is applied the following spring: before starting planting work. During digging, decomposed organic matter is added to the enriched chernozem. Nitrogen fertilizer is not applied to peaty soil, but the volume of phosphorus-containing fertilizer is increased by 35%.

No nitrogen fertilizers are applied


Onions are representatives of garden crops that are characterized by good resistance to low temperatures. Thus, sowing and planting activities take place in the early spring, at an average air temperature of +4°C.

Repeating short-term spring frosts, which are characterized by an air temperature of -3°C, will not lead to damage to onion seedlings. However, at lower air temperatures, the adult bulb will stop growing, and the seeds will not ripen.

Preparation of planting soil

You can re-grow this plant on the same ridge after five years. In the autumn season, after the onion crop of the previous crop has been harvested, the soil should be cleared of weeds, and then watered, which will promote the germination of new weeds. After this, the soil must be dug deep to 30 centimeters.

Weed control

Before you start digging, ripened humus or half a bucket of compost, a complete mineral complex consisting of a mixture of 30 grams of urea with granulated phosphate and 20 grams of chlorine-free potassium are added to 1 m2 of depleted soil. In the spring, before planting the seeds, 15 grams of nitroammophoska are added during loosening.

Planting material

With the onset of autumn, the harvested crop must be dried and divided into two fractions, selecting bulbs with a diameter of two centimeters and wild oats with a diameter of less than one centimeter. For the southern regions, to prevent onions from bolting, professional gardeners recommend planting wild oats in an open ridge in the winter, for the northern regions - in a greenhouse. The planting turnip must be cleared of dry scales and small plant inclusions, and dry and diseased bulbs must also be removed.

Helpful advice. To ensure that the harvest consists of bulbs of the same size, two weeks before spring planting, the sets are sorted into fractions.

Onions whose diameter exceeds 3 centimeters should be planted separately - such planting material is usually aimed at obtaining onion feathers, due to its accelerated bolting, as well as its inability to form a bulb of normal quality.

The sorted planting material is heated for 7 hours at +45°C.

Note. Before planting the bulbs, they need to be treated: soaked in a 1% potassium permanganate solution for half an hour.

Carrying out planting work

In order not to have to look for a solution to the problem of why the onion goes into arrows and what to do, many summer residents are interested in the question of how to plant onions so that there are no arrows. You can start planting bulbs using single-row technology, maintaining a 5-centimeter distance between plantings and a 40-centimeter distance between rows. With multi-line belt sowing, a 20-centimeter distance between rows is maintained.

The level of planting depth depends on the dimensions of the planted onion. In dry weather conditions, it is necessary to prepare the soil by carrying out proper pre-emergence watering so that the onions do not bolt.

The emergence of seedlings occurs after 10 days. Removal of weeds and soil crust must be carried out in a timely manner. To avoid deformation of the root system, loosen the soil using the surface method.

Note! Hilling of onion plantings is prohibited.

Prevention of diseases and insect pests

Most often, onion plantings are subject to fungal infections and a large number of varieties of pests. The reason for the appearance of factors that negatively affect the plant is impaired agricultural cultivation technology.

Symptoms of onion diseases include a number of external deformations:

  • change in leaf color;
  • the appearance of light spots;
  • presence of dashes;
  • withered feathers;
  • feather curling.

If one of the above symptoms appears on the plant, it is sprayed with a tank mixture of biofungicides with bioinsecticides, which do not pose a danger to people or animals. The use of chemical treatments is not recommended, and when grown for feathers, it is prohibited.

Chemical processing is dangerous

How to harvest

The appearance of the leaves indicates the arrival of harvest time. The bulb is considered ripe if the leaves have fallen and turned yellow.

When dry, sunny weather sets in, the onions should be pulled out of the ground and left on a ridge or moved under a sheltered structure and dried for a week. Then sort through and cut off, leaving a 5-centimeter stump.

Reasons for shooting a bow

There is more than one reason why an onion plant begins to bolt:

  1. Improper storage of seed material. The storage temperature of onions selected for planting should be 0°C - this will help avoid bolting. Storing seedlings at air temperatures above zero will negatively affect the quality of planting material. Seeds can be stored at any temperature. It should be remembered that it takes a year to germinate turnips from seeds. For the winter, it is better to place the seedlings in a basement with high air humidity so that they can germinate. A sprouted set planted in a garden bed will definitely begin to shoot arrows, and so that the onion does not go completely into the arrow, they must be removed in a timely manner.
  2. The planting seed is of inappropriate size. Before starting planting work, it is necessary to sort the bulbs according to their dimensions:

Sort the bulbs

  • sets (up to 10 millimeters in diameter);
  • medium fraction material (about 20 millimeters in diameter);
  • large material (more than 30 centimeters in diameter).

Large-sized planting material should be excluded, as it will definitely begin to bolt. However, it is good to plant for early greens.

  1. The landing took place at the wrong time. You can guarantee the prevention of bolting by planting the seedlings in warm soil - when planting, when early calendar spring has just arrived, the bulb may begin to bolt.

How to stop the shooting process

You can prevent bolting by planting onions in the pre-winter season, especially in areas with warm winters. However, if winter in the region is characterized by a predominance of low temperatures, this crop is planted in a different way.

Helpful advice. Planting material purchased on the market must be heated for 20 days using a battery, near which a wooden tray with a set is placed so that the bow does not have arrows.

Purchased seeds must be soaked using a solution that you must make yourself. This is a highly effective home remedy made from potassium permanganate, which will also help prevent the appearance of arrows.

Folk methods for bolting bulbs

The most common folk method of treating onions from the phenomenon of bolting is to remove the peduncle. Carrying out this procedure can have a positive effect on the size of the future harvest. The area where the peduncle is cut is located at the base of the bulb. It should be noted that the arrow will grow again, so the flower stalks will have to be removed as they sprout. The arrow and peduncle are trimmed correctly from the bunch.

Note. You can identify a bolted onion plant by its thickened base.

Varietal shallots, as a rule, are not subject to bolting. The selection of a specific hybrid variety is determined by the climate prevailing in the region where the vegetable grows.

Helpful advice. Onion arrows can be prepared in canned form or used as fertilizer.

Another method of getting rid of bolting is using soda. A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate is diluted in a liter of boiling water until the powder is completely dissolved. Typically this procedure lasts for half an hour. It is recommended to cover the container and wrap it in a warm towel for greater effectiveness. Before soaking the seed bulbs, the scales are removed from them. If you completely remove the peel, the seeds may not sprout.

Also, to prevent arrows from forming on the onion, you can plant it in the form of germinated seedlings.

When the onion begins to go into the arrow, this is a fairly common problem when growing this crop. However, processing the planting material before planting so that the onion does not go into arrows, and proper care will help to avoid or completely get rid of such a problem.

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  • ​2 reason: after the onions sprouted there were severe frosts or snow. The onion “thought” that the second year had come and decided to give seeds.​
  • ​If you took the sevok in a store, then no one knows how and where it was stored, and this means a lot, there must be a certain temperature difference there. That year, all the seedlings I bought were shot to death, and so were my neighbors’, so our sellers sold it to us.​
  • ​But it also happens the other way around - biennial plants do not bloom in the second year, as they should. In seed production, especially on a personal plot, this is a scourge. A gardener usually plants several plants for himself; they do not bloom.
  • ​Even varieties differ in their photoperiodic response. Thus, onion varieties bred in the southern zone are short-day, and in northern latitudes they are long-day.​

Why does the bow go into the arrow? Why do onion sets go into the arrow?

When sown in winter, parsley almost never sprouts, but endive lettuce and turnips sprout very well. It is better to sow them in spring. Onions, as you know, are a three-year crop, and the plants do not shoot when sowing seeds in winter, but they often do when planting sets. Before winter, you can only plant oatmeal - the smallest bulbs, less than 1 cm in diameter.​


​Perhaps there is something wrong with the soil? N. Slo6odko, Kostroma​

  1. ​To begin with, the onions are sorted into several groups. The smallest ones are suitable for planting in spring. The middle one (onion) is consumed as food. Large ones are used to obtain green feathers, and the so-called mother onion is used to obtain seeds.​
  2. ​cold, not yet fully warmed soil.​
  3. ​Air humidity should not be lower than 50%, but not higher than 70%. The temperature is not below zero and not above 15 degrees Celsius.​


​According to my observations, the bow goes into the arrow in the following cases:

  • To get a good harvest of onion-turnips, you need to plant onion sets at the earliest possible time, when there is still a lot of spring moisture in the soil. Many summer residents are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon. The planted onion set “runs away” into the arrows.​
  • ​Now you can only cut off the arrows as soon as they appear. there will be onions. Will be stored. But not that big. All the best!​

lady v

Very good advice about warming up before landing


​The reason is most often a violation of the storage conditions of queen cells (optimal storage temperature 0. +2 ° C) or a very dry and hot spring. Plants in such cases do not go through the vernalization phase, and therefore cannot produce flower stalks.​

Subsequently, it was found that in fact, it is not the length of the day that is decisive, but the duration of the dark period.

​But not only biennial crops suffer from bolting, and not only from winter crops. If onion sets or selections are planted early in unheated soil, many plants will shoot.

​Often, when sowing turnips, chicory, parsley, and beets in winter, in the first year a flower shoot appears instead of root crops, and the plants have to be thrown away. There is an opinion among gardeners that the seedlings were exposed to frost, and so the plant began to flower.


​The most important thing is that the planted seedlings do not go down the drain during the entire period of growth and development. Leaving or shooting onions greatly reduces the quantity and quality of the harvest. The formation of shoots in onions depends on the size of the bulb and its storage conditions. It is believed that the smaller the onion, the less shoots are formed, of course, under favorable growing conditions. For example, the smallest bulbs with a diameter of less than 1 cm (the so-called oat onions) never shoot at all at any storage temperature. The onion is larger, up to 3 cm in diameter; on the contrary, it easily fits into the arrow.​

​As you can see, there is no clear answer. By trial and error, you will definitely grow good, large, varietal onions without arrows.​

​If the diameter of the bulbs is less than 1 cm, then it is not necessary to follow the storage technology for such onions; they usually do not produce shoots.​

​Improper storage of onion sets. Onion sets should not be stored at low temperatures. Where onions are stored should be dry and warm. I read that onion sets should be stored at a temperature not lower than + 15 degrees.​

​If you bought onion sets in the spring and don’t know in what conditions it was stored, be sure to warm it up. It's done like this. We scatter the onions in one layer into shallow boxes (boxes) and place them in a warm place. For example, near a radiator. We warm the onion for 15-20 days. Mostly large seedlings are susceptible to bolting. Such warming will significantly reduce the bolting of plants.​


Before transplanting, pinch the central root

Tata all red

​It is necessary to plant in warm soil so that the onion does not go into the arrow.​


​A. Lebedeva


​Therefore, short-day plants are more correctly called long-night plants.​

  • ​The same thing will happen if after planting in May the positive low temperature stays below +10°C for a long time.​
  • The reason for bolting - that is, the transition of biennial plants to an annual cycle - is not frost, but the prolonged exposure to low positive temperatures, close to 0°C. This phenomenon is called vernalization.​
  • ​To get the greatest yield, the seeds should be stored in cold conditions at a temperature of minus 1 to 3 degrees. Negative values ​​are not scary here; onions tolerate exposure to minor subzero temperatures very well for a long time.​
  • ​Reasons for shooting a bow:​


​The next reason is frost. If you planted onions and there are frosts, especially several times, and snow falls, then there is a very high probability that the onions will go into arrows.​

  1. ​Small sets with a diameter of less than 1 cm are usually not subject to bolting. And regardless of the time of planting, storage conditions at any temperature, the shooter does not throw away. Small onions can be planted both in spring and before winter.​
  2. ​Tear the insole.​
  3. ​1. Store the sets warm all winter --- 18-22 degrees.​
  4. ​Your onions are grown for feathers, not bulbs? Just break out this very arrow and that’s it. This is when you need a turnip, then it’s a headache that the bow went into the arrow. And don’t bother here.​


Their flowering begins when the dark period exceeds a critical value by

Breaking out the arrows is useless; anyway, the quality of such a bow will be low, and the arrows will form again. Such plants should be eaten immediately using a green feather.​

Why does the bow go into the arrow and how to deal with it

​For some crops it is simply necessary - such as cabbage, for others - it accelerates the transition to flowering.​

​Onion sets can also be stored using cold-thermal methods. It's done like this.​

​Improper storage of planting material. Onions are stored at low humidity and positive air temperatures. Before planting, it needs to be heated in water at 40-45 degrees for several hours, then dried.​

​The onion goes into the arrow because, remember the size of the size of the planted set, a large set was planted. This is the most common reason. The method of storing onions in winter also affects. If you bought the sets in a store, then you won’t know exactly under what conditions it was stored, so you can at least sort the onions so that the small sets give an onion, and the large sets give a feather.​

​As a rule, the development of shoots in onion sets is stimulated by improper storage and unheated soil during planting. However, the size of the bulbs when planting also plays an important role. Thus, it is believed that small bulbs, less than a centimeter in size, never go into the arrow. but the big ones. more than 2.5 centimeters, this probability increases significantly. Moreover, these bulbs also differ in storage conditions - small ones are advised to be stored at a temperature close to zero, and large ones at 18-25 degrees. From personal experience I know that no matter how identical the bulbs and their storage conditions are, a certain percentage of them still produces shoots - usually up to ten per bed (3-5%). So don’t be upset, the arrows should be cut off immediately, and these plants should be used for food first - they won’t produce large bulbs anyway.​

Before planting, you can warm up the onion sets in the sun, if the weather permits. A week will be enough to take such sunbathing. Just don’t leave your seedlings outside overnight in the spring. Remember that spring nights are still cold.​

​Gives arrows to propagate seeds. Of course, cut off the arrows so that all the power goes to the root and not to the arrow.​

​2. If it is stored in a cold way --- 0-4 g (cellar, basement - it is better stored this way than in a warm place), then 1-2 months before planting, still bring it into a warm place and dry it well and warm it up -- for example, for a battery (store at 22-25 degrees until planting), the larger the seed, the longer it takes to warm up.​

​no idea​

​8-13 hours. At this time, complex biochemical processes occur and the shoot meristem switches from the formation of leaves and lateral buds to the formation of flowers.​

The reason for bolting when sowing vegetables, get rid of bolts

  • To prevent onion sets from getting shot, they are heated at a temperature of 40-41 ° C for 8 hours 2 weeks before planting, and they must be planted in loose and moist soil.
    ​Only the growing point of the plant or the embryo of the seed reacts to cold. The required cooling duration depends on the biology of the variety or crop and varies from four days to three months.​

At first, when the weather is warm, the onions are stored at a temperature of plus 18-20 degrees. With the onset of winter, the onions are transferred indoors, where the temperature is raised to 1-3 degrees. In the spring, when warming sets in again, the seedlings are again kept warm. First, they are heated for 2-3 days at a temperature of 25-35 degrees, and then stored at 18-20 degrees immediately before planting in the ground.

Reason for bolting

Planting onions in cold soil.

There is a main reason for this problem: it means that the onions were planted in the wrong climate, that is, they did not guess the temperature conditions. If the bow gets exposed to frost, it will probably all go into the arrow. I can't name any other reasons. Perhaps I am not an experienced gardener enough.​

​From my bitter experience I can say that onions can shoot because the bulbs for planting were not small, but large. The first time I planted onion sets, I chose larger bulbs, thinking that it would be better this way (supposedly the bulbs would be large). And in the end, almost the entire bow went into the arrow. Now I know that onion sets for planting should be small.

​If you were unable to warm up the onion sets and arrows still appeared on the plants, break them out at the initial stage. Plants on which new arrows continue to appear, alas, will not produce full-fledged bulbs. Use this onion on greens first. Pull such an onion out of the garden.
Leeks are a plant with a 2-year development cycle from seed to seed, just like garlic. To avoid arrows, there is no need to plant mature heads, this is a natural reproduction process. Arrows, of course, can be broken off, but a bow with an arrow is not suitable for long-term storage.​

​3. If the set is purchased, then it is 100% that it was stored in the cold, so it should be bought not on the eve of planting, but at least a month in advance and see point 2. or if you did buy it on the eve of planting, then warm it up in water right before planting. 40-45 g 6 hours, can be in a thermos. Any method of heating and warm storage suppresses the primordia of flower shoots, so mother bulbs for obtaining seeds are stored only in a cold way.​

In the future, before planting, soak the bulbs in water at a temperature of 40 degrees for 4-6 hours

How to get rid of arrows

This is why radishes, daikon, and radishes bolt if their growth period coincides with a long day and short night. And in order to always get large and juicy root crops of these crops, they need to be sown as early as possible - in April - early May or in July - August.​

​Onions heated before sowing never produce shoots, even samples (3 cm in diameter).​

​At the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev experimentally established that short-term cooling of seeds and young plants with 4-5 leaves for 1-3 days at a temperature of -2 to -5 ° C did not cause premature flowering in onions, cabbage, turnips, beets, carrots, parsley, chicory.​
​Large onions used for harvesting are stored, just like sets, in a cold or cold-heat method.​

​Stressful growing conditions, frequent watering.​

​Onion sets can go bad for several reasons. You need to plant onions in warm soil; if you plant them in cold soil, the onions may shoot. Onion sets should be stored in a warm room during the winter; due to improper storage, they will also begin to grow with arrows. It is necessary to plant not very large bulbs. Before planting, you need to warm the seedlings in the sun, near the radiator. Onions love loose, light soil, but do not like fresh manure. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil. Plant the bulbs at a distance of 8-10 centimeters from each other. When yellowing feathers appear, the onion must be processed, poured with water and ammonia, two tablespoons per bucket of water or water with the same amount of kerosene.
Another reason is planting too early. If there is a lack of heat, the bow also goes into arrow. So there is no need to rush to plant onions; they will have time to grow, because they are harvested early.​

​What could be the reason that the bow goes into the arrow?​

​I always hang onions bought for planting in a linen bag on the radiator. Hangs until landing. And now, yes, just cut off the arrows.​

​4. Small sets - less than 1 cm under no circumstances produce shoots, which is why they are planted before winter. , and you can also safely plant in the spring.​

Plant in well-warmed soil. Our region is unpredictable, either hot or cold. and also went completely into the arrow. and the onions were not good. I don't know what's wrong. hmao. Western Siberia. Site 6 acres. Super site. I was there yesterday.​

​Although experienced gardeners who grow radishes on a conveyor belt for sale, sow them at any time. But when the day is long, they cover the beds with black film in the morning and evening, thus shortening the daylight hours to 10-12 hours.​

​Simultaneously with temperature, the length of daylight hours has a huge impact on the growth and development of plants. The reaction of plants to it, expressed in changes in the processes of growth and development, is called photoperiodism.​
​And after a long stay, from 1 to 3 months, at a temperature of +1 to +3°C, most of these crops began to show arrows.​

​Completely different conditions are created for mother onions, which, when planted in the beds, must shoot early and quickly. This means that the stages of development and formation of arrows on the bow must occur in a timely manner. It is known that plant development is delayed at low temperatures. Therefore, in order to shoot arrows together and obtain a high yield, such onions are stored at a positive temperature of 3 to 5 degrees. However, 2 weeks before planting it in the beds, the air temperature is raised to 10-20 degrees, thereby warming the onions. This temperature is maintained until disembarkation.​

​Planting weak onions that are ready to germinate.​

Several reasons why onion sets go to the arrow are

​And of course, caring for onions, weeding, and sparse planting will also play a role.​

​There are three main reasons for the fact that onion sets go into arrows.​
It's no use doing anything. It’s better to use it now, the onion will be small and hard, or it was planted too early, or was stored incorrectly

5. Soil and air temperatures do not affect shooting in any way - this is a misconception

From improper storage in winter

​Premature shooting is not only caused by long days.​

Thus, plants of tropical origin (at the equator the day length is constantly 12 hours) develop better on short days.

what to do if the bow on the feather goes in the arrow

Tatiana Afonina

To avoid flowering, winter sowings should be done late in the fall in frozen soil. There, the seeds will lie dry until the spring snow melts, they will not have time to be exposed to prolonged cold, and then the plants will form normal root crops.​

Andrey Barkovsky

​Warming over the last 8-10 days accelerates the development of testes during the growing season of plants. At the same time, the quantity and usefulness of seeds increases significantly.​

Nadezhda Kotsareva

​Before planting, you can warm them with hot water if you previously stored the bulbs in the cold. It is better to keep them in a house or apartment; basements and other cool places are not suitable.​


​incorrect storage. There are three storage methods: warm, cold and warm-cold. Which storage method you should use depends on the type of onion.​


​Have fun growing onions!​

Helen Penochka

​The onion is too large: there were enough nutrients to produce seeds.​

little butterfly

​Kept in a cool place.​


​6. For onions to grow large, they must be planted in still cold soil.


​means it was stored incorrectly
​Radish, radish, daikon shoot when the humidity regime is disturbed, thickening, when the plant goes straight to fruit formation.​


These are cucumber (southern varieties), soybeans, beans, eggplant, peppers, some varieties of onions and tomatoes, and corn. The further you are from the equator, the greater the seasonal variations in day length.​

Irina Shabalina

But during a prolonged cold spring, some plants may develop flower stalks. At the same time, the root crop becomes rough, woody, and inedible.
​In addition to the temperature when storing onions, great importance should be paid to air humidity. With high humidity, onions quickly come out of dormancy and begin to sprout. In a humid environment, the bulbs may sweat, the neck becomes wet and rots. Therefore, you need to store onions in a dry place. To prevent cervical rot from appearing. It is also necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room where the onions are stored.​
​And if you’ve already hit the line, then all that’s left to do is cut it off immediately, don’t be afraid.​
​sharp temperature changes during storage.​
​Often, beginning gardeners experience such an unpleasant phenomenon when a planted onion goes into the arrow. To prevent this misfortune from happening, it is necessary:
​The bulbs were stored at too low a temperature.​

Valentina Barzakovskaya

​The head will not come out of a shooting bow. Pluck and eat with a feather. Why this happens - I still don’t fully understand, but hatched onions caught by frost more often go into the arrow. This year, on my shallots (multi-family), 2-3 went to waste, although they were all stored the same way. Need to analyze.​

Why does the bow shoot? What to do?

Olya Olgina

The earlier you plant in the spring, the better. But they write about improper storage, then I doubt it. We store all the onions in one place, but after landing, 5-10 of them still have arrows.​
​Onions grown from sets up to 1 cm in diameter do not shoot. Every year I plant a lot of it for sale. It’s disgusting to plant a small one, but there are no arrows
​It strives to quickly leave behind offspring, like all living beings in an extreme situation. For such cases, you need to choose varieties that are resistant to bolting: Alba, Basis, Wurzburgsky 59, Virovsky White, Dungansky 12/8, Red Giant, Saratovsky, Teplichny, Gribovsky, Togul, Mokhovsky, Variant, Sofit.​

It’s impossible to grow in our garden onion.

I decided to plant the remains of the onions I bought in the fall. The neighbors offered different options, and I took advantage of them. I trimmed the onion to the shoulders and soaked it in a solution of chicken manure overnight.

But before soaking, I removed all of the red “clothing” from the onion. The onion looks clean and beautiful, but when I started peeling it, some of the onions were black under the husk. I washed these specimens separately.

The onion set cannot be called a set; it was the size of a chicken egg. I planted them in rows in the garden, very tightly, shoulder to shoulder. With a trowel I made a deep furrow, watered it, and then planted the onion, covering it with soil. The next furrow was made every 20 cm. The result was 8 rows.

The greenery began to sprout powerfully, dark green. The feather grew clean and, remarkably, without arrows, a meter high!

I began to thin the onion through the bulb. Crumbled into salads and soups. I’ve baked pies with onions and eggs several times, what would a summer be without them?

At some point I saw that the onion remaining in the garden began to grow a head and fell apart. One nest produced 2-4 bulbs. I let them mature and then made a bundle. So thank you neighbors for your good advice!

And a funny thing happened to my friend. She was very sad that she had taken the advice incorrectly: instead of the top, she cut off the bottom. Naturally, the onion did not rise.

Don't be afraid of bow shooters!

Now a few words about bow arrows. For some reason, some people treat them negatively: they break them out and throw them away.

In our family, everything goes into business. My husband is a big fan of onions and has taught his daughter to like them too. While the onions are young and juicy, we use them first.

Garlic arrows do not go unnoticed - they are also eaten.

While the arrow is twisted, I cut off portions every day. I chop it finely and add it to soup, porridge, prepare cutlets, dumplings, and definitely add it to minced meat. Try it and you will like it.

Now let's talk about why there were no arrows.

The onions were stored in a warm place in a basket. I have never touched it in winter. The basket stood between the back wall of the refrigerator and the transformer - they made it warm and dry. Another basket stood under the table in the kitchen. The microclimate here is different: colder and more moisture. The onions sprouted and had to be the first to be processed. From this batch, I stuck 5 pieces into the ground in different places in the spring. And they all threw away the arrow!

On our plot we grow different varieties: leeks and dzhusai - onions with a garlicky taste, they are similar but have white flowers, as well as. While there is no other greenery, we cut jusai, it grows back quickly - we cut it 4-5 times during the season. I use it in the same way as garlic arrows. I grow leeks from seedlings.

I dive into a large garden bed; we have enough of it until winter. When frost hits, I install arcs and cover them with a blanket and other rags. Every day I’ll open a corner, tear out as much as I need, and close it again. I appreciate these two varieties for their mild taste, they have little bitterness and do not burn the stomach.

Why does the bow curl?

This summer, leeks are growing a little differently: they seem to “undress” due to the fact that the stem grows slightly twisted. It feels like he is being twisted like a rag.

Below are other entries on the topic “Do-it-yourself cottage and garden”

  • : How to grow onions in the Bryansk region I...
  • Should the arrows on the bow be cut off or not, and why does it go into the arrow worries many summer residents. The fact is that the arrows on the bows affect its quality and the further safety of the crop. To avoid problems, you need to follow some simple rules.

    Why do arrows appear on a bow?

    Onions that have been harvested can be eaten, but such bulbs are stored for much less time. It is advisable to eat them immediately, otherwise there is a high risk of rotting of these vegetables. In addition, the bulbs themselves are small. Externally, a bow that has been shot can be distinguished by the presence of a thick neck.

    The plant gives up all its juices to form a peduncle, while its underground part suffers. In this regard, gardeners are stubbornly struggling with the problem of bolting in order to provide themselves with a full supply of onions for the whole winter.

    There are several reasons that explain the appearance of an arrow on a bow. The first is improper storage of planting material. The second is related to the wrong choice of seeds, and the third is the wrong planting time. It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on each of the above reasons.

    How to plant onions correctly so that there are no arrows

    Onion seeds for planting should be stored at an air temperature of about 0°C. He perceives any increase in air poorly. This already applies to planting material - sets, which are grown from seeds. Turnips are grown from sets, but before that they must be stored in a cellar for a cold period of time. If the temperature regime is not observed, then the planting material will germinate ahead of schedule. This will give the arrow when planted in the ground.

    Affects the formation of the arrow and the size of the planting material. Therefore, calibration should be carried out before landing. Sorts the sets into three types:

    • fine fraction, diameter up to 1 cm;
    • middle fraction diameter from 1 to 3 cm;
    • large fraction, diameter from 3 cm.

    To obtain turnips, it is better to take sets of medium and small fractions. They rarely give arrows. But 70% of the large ones give arrows. It is better to plant it on young greenery.

    In order to prevent the onion from going to arrows, you should choose the right time for planting it. By this time the earth should be well warmed up. Therefore, you don’t need to plant it too early, but you shouldn’t plant it too late either. The turnip simply may not have time to grow.

    Ways to prevent bow arrows from appearing

    Planting onions before winter will help avoid the appearance of arrows on them. They do this in regions where winters are not too cold. In northern latitudes, seedlings can simply freeze. Be sure to calibrate the seeds before planting, putting large ones aside.

    The medium and fine fractions make good onions. Sevok bought on the market should be dried for 20 days near the battery. It is also recommended to treat seeds or sets from the store with a manganese solution. It is worth noting that there are also hybrid types of bows that do not release arrows at all.

    If the arrow does appear, then the peduncle is cut off. In this case, the onion turnip will grow a little larger. Pruning is done as much as possible. In this case, the reappearance of peduncles is possible. Therefore, you should carefully monitor this and remove them promptly.

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